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Categories: Great quotes


Adel is a scoundrel. Everyone says this about him. His mother, sister, and brother. They all know that he is a scoundrel and a self-interested person, and that whenever you need him, you cannot find him. Adel tries to remove this impression and makes violent efforts, but he only succeeds with the phrase: “Although he is a scoundrel, it is strange that he is useful sometimes...” His brother was injured in a terrible accident, and was taken to the hospital.. Within five minutes, Adel was there. Adel's wife did not come until the next day, nor did Adel's mother nor his sister come. When the doctors needed blood, Adel immediately donated to his brother. The next day the rest of the family came, and their opinion was that Adel was a scoundrel. But he behaves like a man sometimes, and this behavior of his is the exception that confirms the rule of his villainy. It is true that his sister has the same blood type, but she refused to donate a single drop of blood to her brother because she has her own family and needs her sustenance. She said to the doctors: “Why don’t you take more blood from that bastard (Adel)?” They told her that this would simply kill him, and she said: “At least the number of scoundrels will be reduced by one.” When the fire broke out in his sister’s house, Adel poured a bucket of water on himself and then burst into the flames, and in the midst of the smoke he came out carrying his two coughing nieces. The husband who stood outside, laughing, congratulated him and said: “It is strange that this behavior should come from someone like you, but you may come out ahead of the lame.” The inheritance was divided as he had learned in his mother’s life, and it turned out that the elderly woman left everything to his sister and brother because (Adel) is a scoundrel and does not He deserves her money, while his two brothers are generous and chivalrous.. Adel did not say anything, and when the mother died after that, he filled the world with screaming and crying, and he became severely depressed. His brother said in explanation as he devours a large piece of meat: “The reason is that he is a scoundrel, and his conscience reprimands him for what he did to his mother.” Here a large piece of meat was stuck in his throat and he turned blue and began struggling to breathe. Here (Adel) jumped on the table and turned around after his brother. He surrounded his stomach with his hand and pressed hard, as required by the famous Heimlich maneuver, and then the piece of meat burst out. The sister said approvingly: “It's okay... even scoundrels show some chivalry sometimes.” (Adel) is my friend, and I hate him because he is a scoundrel. It is true that I borrow money from him without stopping, and I assign him to difficult and arduous matters such as changing a car tire and quarreling in government offices, but I will never forget the fact that he is a scoundrel and that we are all more generous than him. It is true that he is regular in prayer, but I know that I am better than him in everything, and on the few occasions In which I pray, I thank God that He did not create me as a scoundrel like him. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq
Categories: Great quotes
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